Anal gland infections are common, but uncomfortable conditions in dogs. While the exact purpose for these glands is unknown, it is thought that wild dogs used them for territory marking and protection, similar to skunks. When these scent-producing anal glands become infected, you'll need to take quick action to avoid serious consequences.
Anal gland infection is a condition that causes painful swelling and foul-smelling discharge from sacs near a dog's rear end. An anal gland infection can affect your dog, prompt scooting behavior, and needs veterinary attention.
All dogs have two anal glands, or sacs, located beneath the skin at about eight and four o'clock on either side of the anus. The pea-sized glands are similar to a skunk's scent organs.
The glands secrete a liquid or creamy brownish yellow substance that may smell good to your puppy but can be quite offensive to humans. Fortunately, anal glands usually self-express whenever the dog passes a stool.
While most dogs don't require help with anal gland maintenance, others have overactive sacs that can cause an odor problem or are unable to express their anal glands frequently enough and these dogs need help keeping the glands expressed. The symptoms of anal gland infection can be quite evident.
Anal glands also may be expressed when the dog suddenly contracts the anal sphincter, the circular muscle that controls the anus. The contraction can happen when your pup is frightened or stressed. You’ll notice a pungent, fishy odor quite different than the odor from flatulence.
When infected, the secretions from the glands will contain blood or pus.
In severe cases, an abscess may develop at the site, characterized by a soft red to purple hairless swelling on one or both sides of the rectum.
The area on one or both sides of the rectum will swell and your dog may lick or bite the area to relieve the discomfort.
You may see your puppy scooting or dragging its bottom on the floor. This is one way your dog is trying to clear the blockage.
Your puppy may have an abscess due to an anal gland infection. Dogs with an abscess may run a fever and feel ill.
In the wild, dogs would empty these glands regularly, but many domestic animals seem to have lost the ability to empty these glands voluntarily which can lead to a build-up of secretions that can become infected. There are a few other causes for anal gland infection.
Smaller breeds typically develop impacted anal glands when the sacs fail to empty normally. It is unknown why smaller dogs are more predisposed, though genetics likely plays a role as these dogs have been domesticated further from their ancestors than large breed dogs.
Impacted anal glands may also be due to soft stools or diarrhea that fails to supply enough pressure to empty the sacs.
Dogs with allergies are also more likely to develop anal gland problems as their glands are over-reactive and produce more secretions. These secretions can become pasty and thick when not regularly expressed and plug the normal exit.
This condition is quite painful, so your veterinarian will conduct a careful examination that involves a rectal exam. In addition, the doctor may try a manual expression to collect the secretions for further examination.
Left untreated, impacted anal glands can become painfully infected. The treatment involves a few steps that are best monitored by a veterinarian, though you may need to learn how to administer a few treatments at home.
In most cases, the abscess heals without complications. Puppies that suffer recurrences of impaction or infection require that their anal glands be expressed on a regular basis, usually every four to six weeks. In some instances, surgical removal of the problem glands may be necessary.
For routine anal gland maintenance, you can learn how to express anal glands yourself, or you can have it done by your veterinarian. A veterinarian or vet tech can usually express the glands more fully by performing a rectal procedure. This will reduce the frequency with which expression needs to be performed. If you or your groomer perform the procedure, the gland is expressed from the outside only.
It’s best to ask your vet or the dog groomer for a demonstration first. Improper manipulations of the glands can force the matter deeper into the tissue, causing further problems, so asking a professional to maintain your pup’s anal gland health is also a wise option.
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