Cat Behavior & Training Articles

9 Types of Cat Litter to Help Your Feline Friend Clean Up
9 Types of Cat Litter to Help Your Feline Friend Clean Up
There are different types of cat litter beyond the age-old clay variety. Learn about all your options to see which type is best for you and your cat. ...
Low Stress Travel to the Vet With Your Cat
Low Stress Travel to the Vet With Your Cat
Although, travel can be stressful, there is a lot you can do to make traveling and carriers less stressful and even enjoyable for your cat(s)! ...
Why Does My Cat Scratch the Floor After Eating?
Why Does My Cat Scratch the Floor After Eating?
Many cats paw at the floor or bury their food. It's a natural behavior, but it's easy to modify. ...
What to Do if Your Cat Is Peeing in the Bathtub
What to Do if Your Cat Is Peeing in the Bathtub
If your cat is peeing in the bathtub on a regular basis it means there is a problem. Find out if it is a health, behaviorial, or other type of issue. ...
Why Cats Don't Always Cover Their Poop
Why Cats Don't Always Cover Their Poop
Cats may not cover their poop for a few different reasons, including being territorial, sending a message to their owner, and not liking the litter. ...
Why Your Cat Is Rolling Around on Its Back
Why Your Cat Is Rolling Around on Its Back
When your cat rolls on its back, it could be telling you something. Rolling can signal the cat feels safe and might want some attention from you. ...
How Cats Show They Love You
How Cats Show They Love You
Cats show their love in many ways and it usually involves body language and other behaviors. Find out if your cat is trying to tell you they love you. ...
How to Train Your Queen Cat to Avoid Aggression
How to Train Your Queen Cat to Avoid Aggression
Mother cat aggression is normal. Learn all about how to deal with the queen protecting kittens and how to diffuse cat aggression around kittens. ...
Dealing With Dominant and Anxious Cat Behavior
Dealing With Dominant and Anxious Cat Behavior
Some cats are more dominant than others, and this can lead to issues in multiple-cat households. Find out what you can do to deal with an anxious cat. ...
Why Do Cats Like Cat Grass?
Why Do Cats Like Cat Grass?
Cats tend to enjoy nibbling on all sorts of plants, including cat grass. What is cat grass and why do cats like to eat it? ...
Why Cats Stare at You While You Sleep and How to Stop It
Why Cats Stare at You While You Sleep and How to Stop It
Cats are known to stare at humans while they sleep. Find out why and how to stop it. ...
Why Do Cats Rub Against Your Legs?
Why Do Cats Rub Against Your Legs?
Cats can rub against your legs for a few different reasons. Usually it's a sign of affection but your cat could be specifically asking for something. ...
Why Cats Blink Their Eyes at You
Why Cats Blink Their Eyes at You
Ever wonder what your cat means when they blink at you? We break down what they're trying to say when they behave this way. ...
Where Should I Put the Litter Box?
Where Should I Put the Litter Box?
Where should you put the litter box? Learn more about the best location to place the cat's litter box, and other factors you should consider. ...
Why Cats Eat Litter and How to Stop It
Why Cats Eat Litter and How to Stop It
Eating litter is not uncommon in kittens, but it may be a sign of health problems in adult cats. ...
How to Stop Your Cat From Chewing Electrical Cords
How to Stop Your Cat From Chewing Electrical Cords
Cats are known to pounce and attack inanimate objects, like electrical cords. Learn how to prevent your cat from ambushing objects that may harm it. ...
How to Stop Your Cat From Escaping
How to Stop Your Cat From Escaping
When house cats try to escape, they're responding to an evolutionary urge to explore their territory. Learn the best ways to curb this behavior. ...
Cat Language and Signals Explained
Cat Language and Signals Explained
Cats use a variety of non-verbal language to communicate. Learn to understand cat purrs, meows, and body language to decode your feline's messages. ...
Why Do Cats Like High Places?
Why Do Cats Like High Places?
Does your cat like to hang out on top of tall furniture? Here's why cats like high places. ...
Why Does My Cat Keep Knocking Over Their Water Bowl?
Why Does My Cat Keep Knocking Over Their Water Bowl?
If your cat won't stop playing in the water bowl, you first want to rule out any medical causes. Otherwise, the problem can be solved fairly easily. ...